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Monday, June 12, 2006

Everyone Should Sell on eBay - By John Thornhill

Many online entrepreneurs focus their efforts on their own websites exclusively. Others may also utilize affiliate programs, ezines, and other tactics to increase online business. Those who want to make a living online, however, should never forget to try to find a component of their overall strategy that can be conducted via eBay.

No other online marketplace compares to eBay in terms of size and scope. It is a market that simply cannot be overlooked. The sheer number of potential customers that can be reached via eBay cannot be matched by any other site or service. Any online seller wants to get his or her product or service in front of as many prospects as possible. Ebay is a great way to do just that. The level of potential exposure is beyond compare.

Additionally, eBay has developed so as to allow sellers to list products in a variety of niche categories, allowing for great prospect targeting. Those who want to find the kind of thing one is selling will find it. Meanwhile, the seller is not required to pay for views by people who have no potential interest in their offerings. Targeted marketing is a key to success and few buying venues allow for the level of targeting provided by eBay.

Everyone is familiar with eBay on some level. Its huge member base and remarkable influence have made it instantly recognizable to millions of people. With that level of awareness also comes a level of trust. Many people who would be reluctant to spend anything at an unknown website are more than willing to make purchases through eBay as a byproduct of their familiarity with the site.

Many of those who use eBay tend to rely on it almost exclusively for online purchases. The ease of the site’s use and its popularity has created an entire marketplace of people who are eBay-only buyers. Those who fail to sell on eBay never have an opportunity to access this potential market.

When one considers the ease of use involved in selling on eBay all of these advantages are multiplied. Setting up a seller’s account is incredibly simple and does not require a great deal of time or effort. The price of listing auctions on eBay is also quite limited. This makes use of the system even more attractive.

Those who are involved in online business must consider eBay when concocting their sales and marketing strategies. To overlook this giant is an error of the largest magnitude. There are few other ways to have such potential reach available for such a low cost so quickly. Many who never felt their efforts would translate effectively into the eBay marketplace have been pleasantly surprised at its strength as a revenue producing component of their business. If you have something to sell online, you simply cannot afford to leave eBay out of your overall marketing and business strategy.

Copyright 2006 John Thornhill

John Thornhill is an eBay powerseller and trades on eBay under the username planetsms. If you really want to succeed on eBay with information products visit

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