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Sunday, November 26, 2006

How To Promote Clickbank Products Using eBay - James Penn

Clickbank is a huge info product marketplace which allows affiliates to easily locate and promote the best selling eBooks from all over the world in hundreds of different niches. It’s an excellent resource for all online marketers and some are making thousands of dollars DAILY just by promoting other people’s stuff. Wouldn’t it be great if you could use eBay to achieve results like these?

How to promote Clickbank products using eBay – Method #1

Use the eBay about me page – This is a free web page that every eBay user has. Most people write a little bit about themselves, include some of their eBay listings and their feedback, but we’re going to do something different. Instead of the above, we’re going to include a little about ourselves, links to our eBay auctions AND a link to a Clickbank product which compliments the items we are selling in our eBay listings

How to promote Clickbank products using eBay – Method #2

Leverage the potential of your auction buyers – Your auction buyers are the perfect people to market to. They have already bought from you and if the transaction was pleasant, then they are likely to trust you and be more likely to buy what you recommend.

After they have purchased a product from you, email them to let them know their product will be shipped shortly and that in the meantime they might like to check out this eBook all about… (here you include a short description of the product you are recommending and then your affiliate link)

How to promote Clickbank products using eBay – Method #3

Distributing viral reports – eBay is excellent for this method because of the number of sellers looking for new products to sell. All you need to do is choose a Clickbank product to promote, write a short report on a similar subject and sell it on eBay for cheap.

For example, you choose a product all about weight loss. You could write a short 8-12 page report about healthy eating, add your affiliate links and sell on eBay for $1. Your buyers will then resell it and their buyers and eventually thousands of people will have read your eBooks and tens of people bought through your affiliate link.

There are three excellent ways to promote Clickbank products using eBay but they will only make you money if you put them into ACTION.

James Penn has helped many eBay sellers since launching his website which details the methods to make money on eBay James is also giving away a huge collection of free eBay eBooks at

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