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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Why Go Naked? - Frederick Musser

The next best solution when you want to spice up your eBay auctions is to use a listing template.

A listing template is nothing more that an HTML document that you create for your eBay auctions. You basically are creating a web page with your eBay auction listing information and then embed it into your eBay auctions to make your auction listings look more professional.

This is perfectly acceptable as per the eBay User Terms.

For those who do not know what HTML is, I will be posting future articles about beginning HTML. You do not need to be a full blown webmaster to use an HTML template - You can get by with knowing just a few tags.

You have several options when it comes to eBay auction templates:...

  • You can buy a template that is custom made for you - ebay is a great source to find one. This is by far your most expensive route which is great if you are planning to sell multiple items all the time.
  • You can find a general template that you can use - eBay has many of these available as well- the problem with this one is that you will have a template that many other eBayer's may be using too.
  • Find a free auction template generator online - This is my favorite because it is free to use and you can tweak the template anyway that you like. By using the free online template generator you will still be saving cash with the ability to make your own custom eBay listing template.
You can increase your sales dramatically by using an auction listing template. Many eBayers have noticed over a 25% increase in sales after using a listing template. 25% is quite a difference!!! You may not notice this much increase but is it a chance that you are willing to take?

Need ideas about designing your listing templates? Simply go to eBay and search for various items and see what other people are doing with their listing templates. A quick word of warning - Do Not Steal Their HTML! You could get banned from eBay!

How do you use your template once you have created it?

Great question! . . . . .

Simply login to your eBay account and hit sell (menu bar top left) ->

Pick your auction format - (hit continue) ->

Pick your listing category - (hit continue) ->

Enter your item title ->

Enter your sub title (optional) - >

Simply paste your ebay auction listing template into the description box and (hit preview) ->

Once you are happy with your auction listing - (hit continue) - >

There you have it pretty simple right?

If you are very new to eBay and HTML do not let them intimidate you!

Keep your head up because with a little determination you can do it and be successful!


Frederick Musser is the owner/developer of many websites on the net today and an avid eBay seller with many auctions under his belt.

Please visit the href="">Real Easy Auctions Blog for more great eBay info and get use of our FREE ebay template generator.

Template generator is located under our free tools category

href="">Real Easy Auctions Blog

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