The Three Major Rules as an eBay eBook Seller - By James Penn
Some say the eBay eBook market is dead.
I say it’s not. I’ve cracked the eBay eBook selling code and in this article I will outline the three major rules I follow to ensure that my eBooks fly off the shelves while others struggle to get rid of their 99c eBooks.
Rule #1 – Be Original!
This is the most important rule in eBay eBook selling. If you can market your auctions in a unique and original way compared to others, then you will experience success. You can be original by creating new auction titles, getting new product graphics, manipulating the eBook sales letter and creating a unique twist to your product like adding unannounced bonuses. By doing this you build your reputation and create a solid customer base of clients who trust you and are likely to return to your auctions at a later date.
You could also consider locating new and hidden eBooks that no-one else is selling. This way you can dominate the market for that particular eBook.
Being original will cause eBayers all over the world to talk about your auctions and this will create a stampede of traffic to your eBay auctions in no time at all.
Rule #2 – Persevere!
Too many times I see sellers closing up their eBay stores and cancelling their eBay eBook auctions because they can’t handle the competition. It doesn’t take much to stand out from the rest and a few simple changes will enable you to get rid of those eBooks. If you give up at the first hurdle then there’s no point in you even attempting to start an online business. If you do come to a big brick wall use Rule #1 to help you out.
Rule #3 – The customer is ALWAYS right!
Yes, it may be hard to swallow sometimes when you have a customer sending you offensive e-mails but just smile and take it on the chin. Rectify the situation and move on. As an eBay eBook seller feedback is your most important asset. eBooks aren’t like tangible goods. With tangible goods you can see images of the item. You know what it looks like, you know what it does and you know what its benefits are. But you don’t know that with eBooks. eBay buyers tend to use a sellers feedback ratings and comments to work out whether or not the book is worth buying.
Keep it green!
Those are three simple techniques that you can easily implement into your eBay business to ensure smoother business dealings. Good luck with your eBay eBook selling endeavours! James Penn is an experienced eBay seller and owner of ‘make money on eBay’ website
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