How to Make Money on eBay Selling Other People's Stuff - Joshua Spaulding
Everyone and their brother have things lying around that they no longer have a use for. Many of these things have great value to others. Even though many people know that eBay is there, they do not know how it works or they just do not feel like messing with it, this is where you come in.
We all love to have a little extra money and when we are told that we do not have to do anything for it, it’s even better. That is why this technique is so profitable. The great thing about it is that there is nothing scandalous about it. You can even offer this service to friends and family. This type of marketing is often called ‘soft marketing’.
So what am I talking about? As long as you know how to put up goods for auction on eBay, you can sell other peoples stuff for them. You will of course charge a certain percentage per sale. It is actually extremely easy to pull off. You do not have to pay for advertising or do any other kind of stressful marketing. All you have to do is ask people.
It will eventually turn into ‘viral marketing’. This type of marketing is when one person tells their friends, their friends tell their friends and so on. “Hey, John sold my boat for me on eBay and I got $2,000.00 out of it!” When people hear statements like that, they want to give it a try as well.
As you have probably noticed, this is no mind-blowing secret that I have uncovered. It is actually something that thousands of people do everyday. The great part about making money on eBay by selling others people stuff is that it does not matter how many people do it, it will always be profitable.
There is no reason not to do this. The cost is very limited when compared to the profit potential. A few roles of packing tape and some boxes and you are in business. Just get the word out that you can sell other peoples stuff on eBay and you will be amazed as to how many people are interested.
Joshua Spaulding is an Author and Webmaster providing Proven ways to Make Money at Home through his site at and his Make Money Blog. Joshua would like to invite you to join in on the Free Online Training by visiting his site or blog today.
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