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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Local Yahoo Groups Taking Over eBay - Kerry Mann

With eBay fee hikes the cost of selling goods online has forced many eBayers to search for other means to sell there items. This has spurred a recent growth in local Yahoo groups. These groups can be found anywhere around the world, by searching yahoo groups.

One of the most popular groups is called free-cycle. Free-cycle is a Yahoo group where users can post items that they no longer want or items that they might need. No money is involved. It’s local pickup so no shipping costs. Its a great idea and great for the enviroment (less waste).
A Yahoo group that I think will eventually be able to compete with eBay is Barter/Sales/Trade Groups. With these groups you can post items that you have for sale or items that you are looking for, or that you want to trade. This is a good way to make some extra money. These Yahoo groups overcome the major issues that most people have with buying or selling on eBay:

1. Shipping-costs

2. Selling Fees (of which have become a boiling point of ebayers to do the recent increase)

3. Trust (many people are hesitant to buy on eBay because they don’t trust they will receive there item)

This is NOT the case with similar Yahoo groups because you pick the items up locally.

Some other benefits:

* Sales are made locally so you can interact with your community and meet your neighbors

* These sales are immediate so you don’t have to wait 7 days like an online auction

* Its great for the environment, you are selling it or free-cycling it.

* Its a fun and easy way to make money

eBay’s biggest advantage is their selection, but with the increasing popularity of local groups, I think people are going to find it an easier way to sell things online

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